Moose Work
I’d been suckered back in. Suckered back to bowhunt moose in Alaska. I should’ve known better. I’d visited Southeast Alaska three times before, culminating in some of the worst hunts of my existence. My first trip was the worst. A friend and I hunted two weeks as...Roosevelt Elk Are Different
Forget the business of slams; it was simple wanderlust, the desire to experience anything foreign and untried that placed bow-hunting Roosevelt elk at the top of my wish list for so many years. I’d long contemplated driving westward from my home in New Mexico to...Every Man Goes Out Alone
It is not a thing life prepares one for, no matter how much meat has been secured in this fashion following a successful elk or deer hunt. The name fits. Clyde. I picture a “Clyde” and see leathery features beneath a black, grease-crusted Stetson, floppy...On Top of the World
Bowhunting polar bears where even angels fear to tread.