This Old House
When the old house was occupied, its splintering walls were stout, its diminutive shelter a fortress of good spirits, its heartwood hale and its ambiance light with ale. Way long ago now, in the antediluvian and simplistic age in which I knew boyhood, circa. 1954,...
Sporting Heritage Timeline
A timeline is a great mirror in which we can rediscover how truly marvelous our journey has been. Time is the protoplasm of destiny, the stay of our years as indefinite as the flesh of our bones, and within its meager allotment each man strives for immortality....
Legacy Gifts
It was nearing midnight that Thanksgiving evening many years ago. The fire had waned to pulsing orange embers, the room captive to darkness beyond its failing glow, but for the single, small table lamp by Daddy’s chair. The night was mellow as moonlight on a meadow,...
America’s Drift from Tradition
If our children work hard, love, protect and abide, maybe they can survive. . . and maybe one day before it’s all too late they can bring America back again.

Love Gloves
Never underestimate the power of suggestion, especially from a crafty old codger with a bird dog.

On the Southbound Home
Had a man once who said, “The older the boy, the younger the man.” Strikes me he was right. No matter how old you are, you got to hang on to him—the boy—never let him go. Hardly back from Chile and Patagonia, languishing in a chair before the fire—even as the...
River of Many Returns
I must tell you a story. A story of old Argentina. A story older than two centuries, but as young as yesterday. A story within a story, for one would be untold without the other. A story of many things, though at its core the strength and soul of a woman. Not of Evita...
The Lasting Legacy of Nash Buckingham
Regrets are scratches on the furniture of our lives that can never be polished away. The scars of fate that shoved aside dreams, the wounds of choices ill-chosen, the lesions of opportunities lost or dreams abandoned. Some are shallow; some are deep. Some settle...