A Fit Inheritance
“Books are the treasured wealth of the world and the fit inheritance of generations and nations.” -Henry David Thoreau – “Walden”
“Books are the treasured wealth of the world and the fit inheritance of generations and nations.” -Henry David Thoreau – “Walden”
Excerpt from “The Spirits of Cerro Venado Macho” “Nineteen Years to Sunrise”
The title chapter of Nineteen Years to Sunrise By Michael Altizer
Three deer wander into the author’s target practice. Is it the perfect setup, or are they setting him up?
Imagine waiting almost two decades for the perfect elk, then seeing him step into your crosshairs . . .
He had been reading Jim Carmichel’s stories since he was a mere youth. And now they were here together, hunting bobwhite quail with as close a group of friends as he’d ever known.
It was an intense and invigorating combination, hunting both wild hogs and bobwhite quail at this classic Florida retreat.
“Books are the treasured wealth of the world and the fit inheritance of generations and nations.” – Henry David Thoreau “Walden”
For years she had discreetly made a living for herself and her cubs along the sand-and-gravel bars of this great Alaska river. But now I had come too close.
I would have been perfectly happy with a much smaller bull. But this was the elk that was given, and this was the elk I took.