The Great Jonesboro Squirrel Safari

The Great Jonesboro Squirrel Safari

We both hunched forward in the classic posture endemic to hunters worldwide when stalking dangerous game. And this was truly a dangerous beast. It was a Mahler-Besse Château Biré French Bordeaux Supérieur, vintage 1995, and I had been saving that bottle of wine for...
Superior Firearms at Double Guns of Nashville

Superior Firearms at Double Guns of Nashville

Double Guns of Nashville has become a focal point of superior firearms selection, service, accessories and advice to hunters and shooters nationwide. We dodged tables of wood and stacks of boxes, along with assorted tools, brooms, electric saws and power cords as we...
Not For Sale: My Faithful Field Companion

Not For Sale: My Faithful Field Companion

She wasn’t the most beautiful shotgun in the world. But from the moment I saw her, I knew she must be mine. “There’s someone here in the lobby to see you.” Dang! I have no time for this, I thought. “Who is it? Do they have an...
One Big Bull Elk, No Rifle

One Big Bull Elk, No Rifle

I’m still not sure who was more startled when our trails suddenly crossed, that big bull elk or me. Bear Canyon. Iron Springs. The Beaver Slide. Cañones Creek, Grouse Mesa, Bandit Peak, and the great Poso Valley—all names of places I have come to treasure over the...
The Ghost of Old Woman Bay

The Ghost of Old Woman Bay

“There was a sudden rustle in the grass, and I heard the unmistakable whisper of soft and silent feet. But only for an instant, only for a step or two before it stopped and resumed its own curiosity as to what I might be.” There are ghosts still there at...
Across the Creek

Across the Creek

At barely eight years old, he was scarcely ready to confront a wily old trout poacher. Or was he? Friday afternoon, 14th day of April 1959, with trout season due to open the next morning. I’d turned in my homework, got Monday’s assignments from Mrs. Whitten, and...
Teach a Man to Fish

Teach a Man to Fish

If you think fishing with your daughter is engrossing, try fishing with her new husband. If you are fortunate enough to have been blessed with a daughter, you eventually come to realize that someday, somewhere, some guy is going to come along who wants her for his...
The Rod to Remember

The Rod to Remember

The old rod had a history far richer than any he ever imagined when he first bought it, so many lives ago. And now his own life was about to change. He hovered just inches above my face, urgently pounding me with questions that I desperately needed for him to answer...
The Plan

The Plan

They had planned this trip for years. “If I get there before you do, look for me upstream.” That was the plan, for they both knew that their chances of actually arriving there at the same time were extremely slim. You know how it is. And in the end, it...
Pride And Regret

Pride And Regret

Carl Lear loved hunting grouse and fishing for trout. So when the opportunity came for him to go north from Virginia to hunt grouse in classic autumn Michigan, he stashed his old fiberglass fly rod in the truck as well, on the off chance that he might come across a...