by Kyle Wright | Dec 25, 2023
Technology makes reporting a kill easier, but there’s something to be said for the traditional way.
by Kyle Wright | Jun 5, 2023
“…before I could gather my feet under me I felt a boot on my neck.”
by Kyle Wright | Jul 26, 2021
Arguably worse than any snake bite, when the rifle scope bites, it’s only a matter of seconds until the blood and the tears start to flow. There are seven venomous snakes in my home state of Oklahoma – the copperhead, the cottonmouth and five different species of...
by Kyle Wright | Jul 8, 2021
A turkey hunter encounters a mockingbird with an impressive vocabulary, imitating quail, bucks and hogs. But one sound sent the hunter running. After poring over a topographic map all winter, I finally drew my X on an out-of-the-way piece of public land. It was going...
by Kyle Wright | Jun 14, 2021
You can hunt year-round when you travel into the stories of great outdoor writers.
by Kyle Wright | Jun 8, 2021
This hunting journal helped me find the peace that eluded me so long and the perspective so crucial for surviving life between seasons. It doesn’t always happen on the first sit. Sometimes it takes a few days, maybe even a couple of weeks. One year, my kids were...
by Kyle Wright | Apr 12, 2021
The best bird dog names are easy to both whisper and wail. That’s why bird dog names are usually only a single syllable long. Naming a dog is serious business. Naming a bird dog, more serious still. There are so many subtleties to consider when christening a canine...
by Kyle Wright | Jul 5, 2019
The landmark was a reminder of purer, simpler days. Three years ago, on an opening day hunt in my home state of Oklahoma, I killed one of the biggest Rio Grande turkeys of my life. In fact, he was big enough to show off, so I hauled him across the street to where my...
by Kyle Wright | May 21, 2019
I recently took Burris Optics up on their slogan Find What Matters, and made a visit to their factory in Greeley, Colorado, to find out what matters to them. When I learned that Burris is headquartered less than an hour’s drive from my in-laws’ house where we’d be...
by Kyle Wright | May 10, 2019
It was at my family’s annual campout during Oklahoma’s black powder season one year that I developed my disdain for the cold. The air mattress I’d been sharing with my oldest brother sprung a leak in the night and when we woke up he was practically on top of me. “Hey,...