New York Was Far Away

New York Was Far Away

The valley was long and narrow, filled with the green of rich grass and the pale gold of frost-touched arctic willow. Along the edges of the valley was a thick border of spruce, but not far up the mountainsides, the woods played out in a scattering of scrubby trees....
Sables Are Hard to Hit

Sables Are Hard to Hit

In this article for Outdoor Life, Jack O’Connor revels in the name given him by the natives, Medala Pala Pala “Old Man Who Can’t Hit a Sable,” but in the end he manages to silence his African critics by taking a fine bull.

Gambling for Gambel’s

Gambling for Gambel’s

Perhaps it’s simply luck. Perhaps it’s some sort of obscure instinct which guides a hunter. Or possibly it is as the Indians believe—if you live right and observe the proper rituals, the spirits of the woods and prairies will take you by the hand and lead you to good...
Mixed Bag in the Yukon

Mixed Bag in the Yukon

We were out of the wind up there on that Yukon ridge. In the polished blue of the sky, fluffy white clouds were sailing along like jet planes, but where we sat, it was quiet and pleasantly warm. It was late August, the tail end of the Yukon summer, and the rolling...