by Dwight Van Brunt | Jul 30, 2024
The old saw, “Good things come to those who wait,” rarely applies to hunting trips.
by Dwight Van Brunt | Jul 15, 2024
Quail Unlimited’s best-of-the-bunch 28 gauge shotgun modestly named “The Ultimate Quail Gun”
by Dwight Van Brunt | May 20, 2024
Jack O’Connor’s prized Eusebio Arizaga 20 gauge is up for sale.
by Dwight Van Brunt | Jan 22, 2024
The yellowed newspaper clippings and fading photographs tell a remarkable story. It was in November, 1967, that David Hasinger, Dr. Karl Jonas and their wives traveled to India to hunt tigers. Beyond the slightest doubt, they were mindful of Jim Corbett’s famous...
by Dwight Van Brunt | Apr 19, 2023
Comes a time when remembering is about all a man can do.
by Dwight Van Brunt | Apr 12, 2023
After long days of hunting with no luck, it finally took a bit of native sorcery to make the difference on an elephant hunt. The flight from Atlanta to Johannesburg provides those unwilling to embrace the charms of Ambien with ample opportunity to think. In point of...
by Dwight Van Brunt | Mar 13, 2023
For gunmaker Al Biesen, misspelling Jack O’Connor’s name was a tiny mistake, but something he would never be able to live down. Spokane was as far from her family as my rightfully cautious bride would move, at least in the direction of Montana’s elk country, so we set...
by Dwight Van Brunt | Feb 13, 2023
We were standing three abreast when a cow charged through the dust. It was Rick Stoeckel’s second African hunt, as with most he had cut his teeth on plains game and couldn’t wait to return for something big. By the time our plane bounced down hard on the old...
by Dwight Van Brunt | Sep 19, 2022
“George is here with us in spirit, and I have a feeling that everything is going to work out. In truth, I think it’s going to be magical.”
by Dwight Van Brunt | Aug 5, 2021
I realized no matter how long I lived or what future hunts might bring, nothing else would ever compare. Such it is when one takes a lion. It seems customary for those who write about hunting lions to begin by citing influences of others gone before. They will first...