by Craig Springer, USFWS – Wildlife and Sport Fish Restoration Program | Aug 25, 2021
Dusky grouse have a curious way of making a living. They migrate come winter, but not the direction we might think. There is a bird migration underway right now, but it is not what you may think. It’s late August. National Shooting Sports month is coming to a close....
by Craig Springer, USFWS – Wildlife and Sport Fish Restoration Program | Jun 23, 2021
Industry-funded research reveals surprising truths about upland hunting. Here are two new ways to increase your chances on upland game. Upland wildlife research funded through Wildlife Restoration, derived from excise taxes on firearms, ammunition and archery gear,...
by Craig Springer, USFWS – Wildlife and Sport Fish Restoration Program | Apr 28, 2021
Casting a bright spotlight on deer in the dark serves as a remarkable tool used in deer management in Iowa, and may prove useful elsewhere. Shining or jacklighting white-tailed deer is a known poaching technique. A bright spotlight cast on deer in the dark of the...
by Craig Springer, USFWS – Wildlife and Sport Fish Restoration Program | Mar 11, 2021
The dull thud kicks her wiry frame and the bird falls like a sack.
by Craig Springer, USFWS – Wildlife and Sport Fish Restoration Program | Nov 18, 2020
Carl Shoemaker was a fulcrum of sorts who heaved the Pittman-Robertson Act into law. The resulting industry-state-federal partnership has been a boon to wildlife conservation and people across the country. It seems odd to say this, but Ohioan Joseph List may have...