One Versatile Beagle
Want a dog that can track rabbits, squirrels, pheasants, and wounded big game? Consider the beagle.
Want a dog that can track rabbits, squirrels, pheasants, and wounded big game? Consider the beagle.
Bunny gunning on Nantucket amid the homes of the rich and famous.
Small game hunters unite through the world of social media.
Beagles are far too energetic to stay shut up indoors, but summer heat often requires exceptions to be made.
Small game hunting can still thrill young hunters, even if they’re already used to big game.
The author’s deep, dark fly fishing secret will make purists cringe.
“Rabbit Fever is the common name given to a bacterial disease called tularemia. The Rabbit Fever I have, however, is the desire to hunt more species of rabbits in more states.”