Those diving birds are dangerous!
The other day I was casually strolling across the front yard when it happened: a bird flew out a tree and dive bombed me. Yikes! Attacked in my own front yard.
Well, I did not call the law, but I did run and jump back on the porch to escape the wrath of angry birds. Wait, do many hoomans find angry birds entertaining and sit about watching these on their phones? I have heard rumors.
Afterwards, I gave Mike the stare that he should grab a shotgun and scare the birds away. He was chuckling. Ok, he would have probably missed with his shot anyway — I am still chuckling about that! Being dive bombed by birds from a nest is so annoying so I may start wearing a helmet and vest so they cannot peck me. I also know where the ladder is in case I want to retaliate and go up into the tree and remove their nest. Fall is fast approaching so it is time for those birds to move on.
Well, I do like birds and when I see a robin, dove, grackle or other bird in the yard, I spring into action — and point! Sporting dogs for hunting can never get enough pointing practice.
Enjoy your summer, it is slipping away fast. Now to get ready for hunting seasons and the trips afield. —Cameron