In the Light

In the Light

The most profound influence on color, of course, is light. Without it, a prism is little more than a chunk of glass. Northern tribes like the Inuit have many words to describe what most of us simply call "snow." The irony of such a vocabulary lapse — one English...

An Ocean View

An Ocean View

Billfishing was the perfect pursuit for a man endlessly intrigued with saltwater watching. Saltwater at first sight was Al Barnes' epiphany. Its many manifestations dazzled the boy newly arrived at the fishing village of Port Isabel on the Texas Coast and became the...

Clear Visions and Moody Hues

Clear Visions and Moody Hues

"I'm not trying to record history or paint from an historical perspective. I don't particularly care about the rib on an over-under. I'm capturing a mood." If James B. Robinson wrote scores for movies, which he does as an offbeat hobby, the mix would be eclectic....