Why Do Women Hunt?

Why Do Women Hunt?

In her book Why Women Hunt, K.J. Houtman features stories of some of the women who are contributing to the growing percentage of women in America who hunt. If you’ve ever had the notion to take a woman hunting, you’re onto something pretty special. As K.J. Houtman...

A Book to Stir the Sporting Spirit

A Book to Stir the Sporting Spirit

A piece of artwork speaks to the soul in a fashion even the most exquisite photographs cannot accomplish. Sulkowski’s paintings do that for me. The visual aspects of life astream and afield have long captured the fancy of discerning sportsmen. Witness, for example,...

Reading Season

Reading Season

This has been a big season for books. You’ve undoubtedly caught wind by now of the Sporting Classics book on famed outdoor illustrator (and Hemingway pal) Lynn Bogue Hunt, Lynn Bogue Hunt: Artist, Angler, Hunter. It just so happens that I scribbled the text for it,...

An Excerpt from “Big Grizzly by Bow”

An Excerpt from “Big Grizzly by Bow”

As it appears in Alaska Bears: Stirred and Shaken by Jake Jacobson The weather had recently turned colder, but we’d had no big winds for some time, so the willows still retained a lot of their leaves, which made visibility a bit less than ideal, but the project was...