The Bull Would Crush Us Like Mangos.
I May Have to Shoot Him by Beryl Markham from Horned Moons and Savage Santas.

Fresh tracks showed The Witch Doctor was back.
The Witch Doctor by Dr. William M. Flock from Sporting Classics’ Africa.

Slim Boggins’ Mistake
From The Greatest Quail Hunting Book Ever.

Cast and Blast in Pilgrim Town
Spring in Cape Cod is all about stripers and toms.

The Legend of Bwana Cottar by Brian Herne
From the book Sporting Classics’ Africa.

An excerpt from Windigo Moon, by Robert W. Murphy.
From the book Horned Moons & Savage Santas.

An excerpt from A Man for All Seasons, by Roger Pinckney.
From the book Sporting Classics’ Africa.

An excerpt from A Small Southern Tale, by Bob Matthews
From the book The Greatest Quail Hunting Book Ever.

An excerpt from Africa’s Ape-man, by Ben Burbridge.
From the book Sporting Classics’ Africa.

The Genius of Gene Hill
Hill could take the simplest of subjects and turn them into literary magic with a blend of wit, whimsy, and wisdom.