Pull up a chair and let me tell you about the fish that bit Mike — a TRUE fish tale.
Everyone who has ever been fishing has some type of fish tale to tell. Those stories range from the one that got away to something strange happened on the water. Well, pull up a chair and let me tell you about the fish that bit Mike. It’s a true tale!
Mike and his friend, Marlon, were fly fishing when Marlon hooked into another 20-plus-inch brown trout. Marlon catches big fish all the time. Mike decided to help by netting the fish and swept the huge trout out of the water. Up to that point all went well. Then Mike was working with the fish and getting it positioned for release from the net when it happened — the huge trout rolled around and grabbed Mike by the finger. After the trout’s razor sharp teeth dug into the skin around the tip of his finger, the large fish next began to thrash wildly. Mike was screaming and also thrashing around wildly (I must admit I was har-harring quite a bit, it was funnier than it was shocking). The blood was now flying everywhere from Mike’s finger and the fish would not let go.
This was the first time I had ever seen a trout grab a man — but I guess it was payback time, har har! The struggle ensued several minutes until Mike finally squeezed the trout tightly and removed his finger from its mouth. Next the fish was thrust out into the river never to be seen again.
Luckily, Mike survived — I need him to use his fingers to drive the truck and put out the dog food har har! — and now only has a scar to prove his fish tale is not simply a tale, but an epic story of man-verses-ray-finned fishes!
My new joke when I am annoyed at Mike if he keeps up annoying me is to let him know, I may use him for bait, har har! At least the fish find him desirable. —Cameron