South Carolina’s Velvet Bucks: Hunt Them Now!
If you spend a good portion of your summer counting the days until fall deer hunting, here’s some good news. In the South Carolina Lowcountry, rifle season has already started! South Carolina rifle season started August 15. Yes, it’s a tad on the warm side, but not...South Carolina Adds Limits to Protect Fish Species
Limits to help protect two popular South Carolina fish species were recently added to South Carolina’s fish and game laws. Legislators passed catch and minimum size limits for both Atlantic spadefish and Atlantic tripletail, two coastal fish that previously lacked...South Carolina Shrimp Season Begins May 27
Commercial shrimp trawling will open in all legal South Carolina waters at 8 a.m. on Wednesday, May 27, 2020. Shrimping season in South Carolina typically starts in spring with the opening of a small subset of waters, called provisional areas, that allow shrimpers to...South Carolina Stripers
The success of striped bass in our freshwater reservoirs represents one of the great modern-day stories of nature’s ability to adapt. We got skunked that day, yet it remains one of my most vivid fishing memories. It was a warm spring morning in 1963. My dad had...South Carolina Antler Measuring Sessions
Antlers will abound throughout the Palmetto State as the search for new state record deer antlers gets underway during the S.C. Department of Natural Resources’ annual series of measuring sessions. Each winter, the S.C. Department of Natural Resources (SCDNR)...South Carolina Turkey Season Changes
South Carolina turkey hunters need to be aware of several changes going into effect this season that impact season dates, bag limits and tag fees. These changes are a result of legislation passed by the S.C. General Assembly in 2019 (Act 51, S.575). This legislation...South Carolina Increases Bear Hunting Opportunities
Additional opportunities have been added for hunters in South Carolina this bear season. For the first time, private land in the southern portions of Oconee, Pickens and Greenville counties (south of Game Zone 1) and all of Spartanburg County (Game Zone 2) will have a...New Deer Urine/Body Fluids Law In South Carolina
It is illegal to possess or use, for the purpose of hunting or scouting any wild animal in South Carolina, any substance or material that contains or purports to contain any excretion collected from a cervid (deer) including urine, feces, blood, gland oil or other...QDMA Gives South Carolina a Robot Deer
A South Carolina QDMA branch’s gift to the state DNR could help thwart poaching.