Wade Seago of Samson, Alabama, has his schnauzer to thank for one pig of a wild hog. According to AL.com, the family pet, Cruiser, began barking last week, alerting the household to something outside. Seago couldn’t see anything in the backyard, but then his daughter yelled from the front door. When he got there, he couldn’t believe his eyes.
The schnauzer had a gigantic pig at bay, the two a mere five yards apart.
“Cruiser had this huge hog confused with all of the barking and movement,” Seago told AL.com. “It was not a good situation.”

Wade Seago visited a nearby peanut company to have the hog weighed. It was a whopping 820 pounds. (Photo: Wade Seago/AL.com)
Seago, an avid deer hunter living on 100 acres, was used to seeing wildlife in the area, but the hog was unlike anything the family had ever seen on the property. He quickly grabbed his .38 Special to prevent the pig from hurting Cruiser, and when the dog was out of the line of fire, he shot.
It took Seago three rounds to kill the hog, which measured 820 pounds and had six-inch tusks.
“I didn’t think twice about taking down this hog,” Wade said. “I’d do it again tomorrow.”