Sporting breeds won a resounding victory in this year’s Westminster Kennel Club dog show. The 140th event saw a German shorthaired pointer win Best of Show, the top honor at the annual showcase.

CJ is three years old and began showing only six months ago. He bested 2,751 other entries and 199 breeds for the win, and also won the sporting category during the two-day event.

“He was born for this,” said CJ’s owner Valerie Nunes-Atkinson. “There’s something special about him.”

CJ — nicknamed “The Prince,” by his owners at home — will receive a trophy and begin a champion media tour. Perhaps most important to him, he was rewarded with his favorite chicken treats following the wins.

According to, the Westminster show is the second-longest continuously running sporting event in American history. Only the Kentucky Derby has been in existence longer.

“Obedience competition first became an AKC sport in the mid-1930s, but this marks Westminster’s first venture into this popular canine activity”, the Westminster Kennel Club said in a news release. “CJ as a German shorthaired pointer had to have the quality of pointing and being in the field to do that”.

The 140th Westminster event was held Feb. 15, 2016, in New York City.